Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Medallion Wreath

As promised in last weeks post for the Spellbinders blog post I am back to share with you all how to make the medallion wreath that was my second project in the Blog Frenzy. Here's the picture of it to remind you what it looked like...

1. Choose which five papers you want to use and determine which layer you want each to be.  (I will be referring to mine as 1-5, 1 being the largest seafoam green layer and 5 being the middle coral centerpiece). 

Layer 1: Cut four 3x12" strips
Layer 2: Cut three 4x12" strips
Layer 3: Cut three 3x12" strips
Layer 4: Cut two 4x12" strips

2. Choose which Edgeabilities dies and decorative inserts you want to use on each layer. I used a combination from E8-009 Classic Decorative Inserts One and E8-007 Classic Edges One for each layer.

3. For each layer cut all strips with the Edgeability and Decorative Insert of choice. In order to  cut the full length of your strips just simply line up your dies with where you last cut stopped (see above) and run through your machine again. You'll notice on below that on layer 4  I only used the Edgeability die template.

4. Score all strips at 1/2 intervals and then accordian fold. Once you're done scoring then adhere the strips, that are the same, together to make one long strip.

5. Once you have four long strips then adhere the ends together and then they should look like this.

6. Cut descending circles out of chipboard, one for each layer, make sure that the diameter of each circle is smaller than the diameter of your paper layer so that the outer edges cannot be seen under the decorative edges of each layer. Below is an example for layer one. I used a bowl to draw a circle on my chipboard just to use as a guide for gluing my paper layer to.

7. Apply a liberal amount of glue to the out edge of your chipboard circle. Place the bowl in the middle upside down and then push down the paper layer around the bowl. You don't need to use the bowl, but I found that it made it easier to get that paper layer into a nice circle.

8. Do all four layers in the same manner.

9. Then glue them all together so that you have something that looks like this...

10. Cut your decorative center piece out I used Spellbinders Splendid Circles for mine and then embellish the center. 

11. Ink all of your edges, apply glue and glitter. Adhere ribbon and you are done!

The papers that I used for this project are from Fancy Pants' Road Show line, letter alphas are from Studio G, heart stamp is Gina K.

****I really want to make sure that I give credit to the right person for this wall medallion idea. So, thank you to Jennifer Mcguire.

Thanks for stopping by!



Andrea said...

So lovely, Tonya! I saw this during the blog frenzy and I think there are lots of neat possibilities for this medallion. Thanks for sharing the idea!

Unknown said...

Wow, this is so pretty!

AJ said...

loved it Tonya! It could make some really fun bday party decorations!

Kelly said...

Wow - so pretty Tonya xxx

Cathy Pascual said...

OMG! This is beautiful!

EllenaElizabeth said...

Love the subtle prettiness of this. It's just lovely. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Love the Medallion Wreath. Now that I know what to use to make one, can't wait till I can order the dies and make a bunch for gifts. Thank you so much for sharing your idea and talents. The Wreath is absolutely BEAUTIFUL.
Carole Miller