Friday, August 22, 2008


the ideas for a layout just flow right together perfectly and I am so happy with the results. This is what happened on this one. I adore everything about it. Thanks for taking a peek!

***If you are looking for this layout I had to take it down for will be in the March issue of Scrapbook Trends. I promise to replace the photos once the magazine has been released!


MarySue said...

Just beautiful work!!! I'm so glad we got to spend some fun but too brief time together. Your family is wonderful. See you in AZ this winter.

Charlotte Cramer said...

This is gorgeous Tonya!!! I love the whole design and the photos are amazing!! Great Job!! :)

Anonymous said...

this is GORGEOUS tonya!!! love all the details!

Brandi said...

I adore this! It's PERFECT in every way!